So, I was at Hobby Lobby and they (probably McCalls) were having a sale ... all of their patterns were 99 cents each. Now, that's too good a price to pass up. So, I went through their book and picked out 8 different patterns to practice with.
I decided I was going to stick with one pattern until I was comfortable with the techniques and potential, before moving on ...
So, over the course of the week ...
1st is the Blue Polka Dot Piece. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give this one a 3. I think it's sound ... certainly not about to fall apart, but Talk about UGLY ... this is it. It will be destined to Grans on the next trip. (Who knows, maybe someone will like it).
2nd was the Pink Purse. It came out okay .... I'll give it a 5. On this piece, I cut out some fabric strips and fused them to be applique. Well, they still frayed abit when sewed on. Think, here I learned that even thin applique might need a bit of an underseam. This also has a flat bottom. I don't like the way the look. I gave it some thought as to whether I didn't like the look of my flat bottoms (Like I've ever had a flat bottom), or flat bottoms themselves. In the end, decided I just didn't like flat bottoms and I might not make anymore purses with them.
3rd - I used the same variation -- Number C -- but I altered the pattern to remove the flat bottom and squared the corners to give the purse a bit of room. For the outer fabric, I used a big ole scarf from my inventory container and a bright orange fabric for the inside I like this one.
I'll be moving onto Variation A of this same pattern next.