October 16, 2009

Leroy, my beloved computer, is in the Hospital

I don't know how you feel about your computer, but I have a sweet laptop that I call Leroy.  Leroy and I have an intimate relationship; I frequently spend several hours a day fondling his keys, and in exchange, he charms me by getting my work done, showing me glorious pictures and endearing me with knowledge from the World Wide Web.  

Well, sadly enough, Leroy's been on the rocks.   I took him to the PC doctor last week and learned I've been a bit hard on him and wore out the mouse and click assembly, of which was entirely repairable (Hear the angels sing).  And, after bearing an appropriate credit card, replacement parts were ordered.  

After much anticipation, the part finally arrived and, Leroy was returned to the PC doctor this morning for emergency repair (he became officially clicked out last night).   BUT, alas ... the surgeon, after several hours, advised the manufacturer sent a faulty part!  (Big Alligator tears dripping down my face).  It has to be reordered and for efficiency sake, Leroy stays at the PC hospital, comatose and in intensive care  .... probably an entire week.

I'm devasted.  Now, I have to communicate on this big ole monster of a desktop computer in a chair that allows no slouching.  

Woe is Me; Poor Leroy.

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