July 03, 2009

Straight out of the 70's ... A Flower Loom

A long time ago I found this Flower Loom ... brand new, never been opened. Obviously at a yard sale and I can't imagine I would have paid much. And then, I stuck it away and never thought of it again ... (just like, I'm sure, hundreds of things stuffed here and there around this house). Well, I opened up a container looking for something else, and there it was. And, since I have a huge surplus of yarn hanging around, and since I'm playing at making purses that might benefit from a flower, why not open this vintage relic and give it a try.

Selected a couple skeins of yarn, a pair of sissors and climbed into the car. I always like to take something to do in the car when I'm a captive passenger for greater than 30 minutes. It took me about 20 minutes to crank out the first one ... the directions were written just abit vague, but the results were interesting enough to give it a try again the next day ....

Hummm ... the possible variations are limitless, they are fun and take very little time.

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