A week back, I stopped at a Church sale and came home with two big boxes of sewing patterns. Yep, more sewing patterns. Seems that now I've got this little business started, I might as well see if I can grow it a bit.
As always, I started sorting them, by brand, by number so I can go through and check them to see if they are complete, tape any tears etc.
As I was sorting through the first box, I realized I was recounting events of someone's life. The chronological age started at 1973.
1973: This person was sewing clothes for Misses Size 10 and girls size 2. Most of the pattern pieces were stuffed back into the envelope and good number of the pieces are missing. (A donation for Pattern Rescue)
1974: The person is still sewing Misses Size 10, but girls size is now 3. The pattern pieces are folded together before they are stuffed into the envelope. They are still missing pieces, but not as many per pattern.
1975: The women patterns are now Maternity and the girls size is between 3 and 4.
1976: This person is now sewing Misses Size 14 and girls size 4 and 5. There are no baby patterns; either she didn't sew for baby, or something happened. The patterns are nicely folded together and put into the envelopes; very few pieces are missing.
1977. This person is now sewing Misses Size 16 and Girls 5/6. The pattern pieces are folded individually and placed within the instruction sheets; there are none missing.
Then, the box runs out; no more patterns. Did I see a person here learn to sew, as well as gain maturity and responsibility (not to mention 2 sizes)? Did she stop sewing here, or were there other boxes that didn't make it to the sale? I wonder.
Coming across pattern lots is quite fun; a bit of fashion of the particular times and intrigue to the (probable) woman who created the fashions; a small glimpse into their life.